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Popular social media abbreviations

Today I am going to tell you some famous social media abbreviations..without any further delay let's start÷ 1- ASAP - it means...

Today I am going to tell you some famous social media abbreviations..without any further delay let's start÷

1- ASAP - it means "as soon as possible"

2- AKA - "also known as"

3- ATM - "at this moment moment"

4- BC - "be cool"

5- BTW - " by the way "

6- DIY - "do it yourself"

7- DND - " do not disturb"

8- FAQ- "frequently asked questions"

9- FOS - " freedom of speech "

10- FYI - " for your information"

11- HAND - " have a nice day "

12- JAM - " just a minute "

13- LMAO - " laughing my ass off"

14 -LOL - " laugh out loud "

15- PM - "private message"

16- SOS - " someone on shoulder "

17- WTF - " what the fuck "

18 - TMI - " too much information"

19 - IDC - " I don't care "

20 - AMA - " ask me anything "

21- BAE - " before anyone else "

22- BFF - "best friends forever"

23 - FBO - " facebook official"

24 - IMO - " in my opinion"

25- YOLO - " you only live once"

Comment down abbreviations that I have missed and you think that it is very popular.

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